In reality, people used to think sex as something more private that when it comes to the discussion of sex in public, it often relates to morality and social relationship. So when a person is talking about sex or his/her sexual experience in public, he/she may be at the risk of his/her reputation or even the political life, if he/she carelessly talks about it. However, thanks to the advance of technology, people can talk it more freely in Internet's world without worrying about the things above. In Second Life's world, the residents not only talk, insult by words of sexual implications but they even display sex in public by avatars. It seems that the world itself is projected into SL's world except that the force of social restraint lessens in the virtual world, thus people can do whatever they want without being known by their families and friends in reality. By this, SL acts as a medium for intimate communication to satisfy people's needs and desires.

It is interesting that many people are fascinated by virtual sex in SL,because of the separation of reality. Without physical contact, virtual sex in some ways is alienated from real sex that it doesn't necessarily have love or sexual desire involved. On the contrary, people may do it for fun or merely by curiosity, or as an act of showing familiarity. Hence, sex industry in SL seems to be a kind of entertaining industry that deals with the desire of self-display (displaying sex in various ways in public) and the pursuit of visual impact more than the desire for physical contact.
Besides the common wantons, some residents of SL become the stars in sex industry and earn money to support real lives. Because of the untouchable trait of virtual sex, they can do it legally and avoid the possible criticism.

Besides the common wantons, some residents of SL become the stars in sex industry and earn money to support real lives. Because of the untouchable trait of virtual sex, they can do it legally and avoid the possible criticism.

Writer: Amberlin Zeng
回覆刪除Reader: Lisa Liao
Editor: Sharon Yu
Organizer: Iris Yang
8:07] Amberlin Zuta: My story is about virtual sex in SL
[8:07] Una Rewell: oh i see
[8:08] Una Rewell: personal experience!!!
[8:08] Una Rewell: hahaha
[8:08] Sharon Byron: so u have that kind of experience?
[8:08] Amberlin Zuta: cuz I encountered a man who ask me to have one night stand with him
[8:08] Sharon Byron: >///<
[8:08] Amberlin Zuta: =_=
[8:08] Una Rewell: cuz you are hot girl
[8:08] Amberlin Zuta: but i refuse
[8:09] Sharon Byron: ny BF says that ur breasts are so big
[8:09] Sharon Byron: haha
[8:09] Amberlin Zuta: so i was wondering why people want to have sex with whom they didn't konw
[8:09] Una Rewell: so what the point of view you write about ur story
[8:09] Amberlin Zuta: oh
[8:09] Una Rewell: sexy girl
[8:09] Sharon Byron: sexy bone
[8:10] Amberlin Zuta: I talk about the possible reasons of why people want to have virtual sex
[8:10] Una Rewell: why?
[8:10] Amberlin Zuta: they may just have sex for fun
[8:10] Una Rewell: fun?
[8:10] Amberlin Zuta: or curiosity
[8:11] Amberlin Zuta: and the pusuit of visual impact
[8:11] Amberlin Zuta: yap
[8:11] Una Rewell: visual impact is ......................
[8:11] Una Rewell: very dirty
[8:11] Una Rewell: i think
[8:12] Amberlin Zuta: cuz virtual sex allows them to have no responsibility to have sex with someone they don't know
[8:12] Una Rewell: really?
[8:12] Una Rewell: i think virtul impact can make they excited
[8:13] Amberlin Zuta: and virtual prostitution is legal industry
[8:13] Sharon Byron: are they 宅男?
[8:13] Una Rewell: but since they can't have sex with that guys
[8:13] Sharon Byron: I think that's 宅男's interests
[8:13] Amberlin Zuta: no~i think they are 色狼
[8:13] Una Rewell: they can have some imaginations
[8:13] Una Rewell: haha
[8:13] Una Rewell: bad gus
[8:13] Una Rewell: guys
[8:13] Amberlin Zuta: haha
[8:14] Sharon Byron: sorry~stereo type
[8:14] Sharon Byron: haha
[8:15] Una Rewell: so any other reasons do you think why they want to have sex with players on line?
[8:15] Amberlin Zuta: and maybe when one ask u for one night stand he is a husband in reality
[8:15] Amberlin Zuta: oh
[8:15] Una Rewell: oh
[8:15] Sharon Byron: for excitement
[8:15] Una Rewell: forget the identity
[8:15] Una Rewell: yap
[8:15] Sharon Byron: sooooooo bad
[8:15] Una Rewell: i agree
[8:15] Sharon Byron: I hate that kind of things in reality
[8:16] Una Rewell: don't be personal, sharon.....hahaha
[8:16] yang75 Anton在线
[8:16] Amberlin Zuta: and someone works as stripper in SL to support her relalife
[8:16] Una Rewell: oh
[8:16] Una Rewell: you comes
[8:16] Amberlin Zuta: real life
[8:16] Amberlin Zuta: ha
[8:16] Una Rewell: hi
[8:16] yang75 Anton: sorry sorry
[8:16] Una Rewell: it's fine
[8:16] Amberlin Zuta: it's ok
[8:17] yang75 Anton: so now discuss whose story
[8:17] Una Rewell: amber's
In Amber’s news, she talks about virtual sex in SL. The reason for writing this topic is why people want to have sex with whom they don't know in SL. She also mentions that many people are fascinated by virtual sex in SL, because of the separation of reality. In virtual world players always make sex for fun without knowing each other .Sex industry is availabe and legal in SL so most of the players will prusuit this occupation to earn money to support real lives. But it is a immoral job. I think that you write your opinions in your news so next time you can interview a guy who is in virtual love in "Sex club."
Edited by Sharon
回覆刪除It's an interesting topic and I like the attached vedio. I finally believe that SL is one of the most popular games in the West.
Since I am attracted by your topic, I'm looking forward to your personal sex encounter. Your article seems like critics somehow. It's possilbe that someone might think of discriminations. Maybe you can combine critics and experience together, making the news more available to the readers.
Do you report on people, places, or events? Or is it just a personal reflection, not a news story?