Nowadays, it is seen as a virtuous act that giving
up one’s seat to the elder, pregnant and crippled on train and bus. Not only do the good citizens do it to show their respect for charity, but also the regional governments of Taiwan intend to promote it as a model of moral etiquette and civic-mindness. It seems that almost everyone take it for granted. But here, we have to ask a question. Do people’s deeds really agree with their thoughts? Does the governments’ promotion really succeed in cultivating civic virtue of Taiwan?
According to DMR center’s research about the civic quality of Taiwan, one of these research questions is: “Do you think that giving up one’s seat to the elderly, women and children on bus and MRT is popular in Taiwan?” Unfortunately, 34.6% people approve it but there are still 37.8% disapprove, which shows the difficulty of this promotion. Moreover, the general disagreement for this issue among young generation (20-29 year-old) is specifically emphasized, which is at the rate of 39.1%. Besides the official statics, the most direct view of this failure of civic promotion can be seen from our daily lives. During my years of experience taking public transportation, I observe that those who give out their seats are mostly 30-45 year-olds, and yet the majority of them are females. Sometimes students also give their seats to people who really need them, but normally lots of them just sit there and pretend to fall asleep. It is a sad thing though, this situation should be a warning to Taiwanese as well as the government to think more about our civic education!
Sharon said...
回覆刪除Sharon as Reader
I am sympathized with this news when first reading it, since I'm the young generation. It's common to see a sign, Seat Priority, on the public transportation. In the rush hour, we may see the situation of yeilding seat to the elder. Actually, not everyone is conveyed this gentle behavior, so that sometime I may get angry when seeing someone sit still. Everyone will become old someday. If next time encountering this situation, we just get sympathy on others. Today we yeild our seat; next day we are yeild from others'.
March 25, 2009 2:16 AM
M.Y. said...
1. It is not the reader, but the organizer that is responsible for posting comments and related online discussions here.
2. You posted the chat content in the wrong place. You should not post it in the group blog, but in your individual blogs. Read the following post:
The organizer should find out which part is related to your news and post it here. For other students' part.
[2009/03/25 0:05] Amberlin Zuta: 1 F is ours hahahaha~
[2009/03/25 0:05] Una Rewell: iris doesn't come with me
[2009/03/25 0:05] Una Rewell: i call her but she does't come
[2009/03/25 0:05] Amberlin Zuta: yang~
[2009/03/25 0:05] Amberlin Zuta: what r u doing?
[2009/03/25 0:06] Una Rewell: she is here
[2009/03/25 0:06] Amberlin Zuta: plz sit
[2009/03/25 0:06] Una Rewell: fine
[2009/03/25 0:06] Una Rewell: we can start right now
[2009/03/25 0:06] Amberlin Zuta: oh~ tht's great!!
[2009/03/25 0:06] yang75 Anton: hi
[2009/03/25 0:06] Amberlin Zuta: wht's wrong yang?
[2009/03/25 0:07] Una Rewell: first thing i need to tell is
[2009/03/25 0:07] yang75 Anton: nothing
[2009/03/25 0:07] Amberlin Zuta: uhh...
[2009/03/25 0:07] Una Rewell: we have to post our discussion last week today on blogger
[2009/03/25 0:07] Una Rewell: class blogger
[2009/03/25 0:07] Amberlin Zuta: oh
[2009/03/25 0:07] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 0:07] Amberlin Zuta: iris and i jusdt talk about it
[2009/03/25 0:08] Una Rewell: oh!
[2009/03/25 0:08] Una Rewell: ifne
[2009/03/25 0:08] Una Rewell: fine
[2009/03/25 0:08] Una Rewell: and cuz
[2009/03/25 0:08] yang75 Anton: i will post today
[2009/03/25 0:08] Una Rewell: we don't have organizer last week
[2009/03/25 0:08] Una Rewell: i post the discussion on blogger today
[2009/03/25 0:09] Amberlin Zuta: wht ?
[2009/03/25 0:09] Una Rewell: i hope it won't be late
[2009/03/25 0:09] Una Rewell: the last last week
[2009/03/25 0:09] Amberlin Zuta: oh right
[2009/03/25 0:09] Una Rewell: we don't have organizer last time
[2009/03/25 0:09] Amberlin Zuta: i c
[2009/03/25 0:09] Una Rewell: yes
[2009/03/25 0:09] yang75 Anton: i c
[2009/03/25 0:09] Una Rewell: so i do it
[2009/03/25 0:10] Una Rewell: and i think this time will be alright
[2009/03/25 0:10] Una Rewell: all right
[2009/03/25 0:10] yang75 Anton: right
[2009/03/25 0:10] Amberlin Zuta: ok .....then start
[2009/03/25 0:10] Una Rewell: let's start
[2009/03/25 0:10] Una Rewell: ^^
[2009/03/25 0:10] Sharon Byron: sorry for my absence
[2009/03/25 0:10] yang75 Anton: who's first
[2009/03/25 0:10] Amberlin Zuta: iris ~ur blogger ad plz?
[2009/03/25 0:10] Sharon Byron: I'll be back soon
[2009/03/25 0:11] Una Rewell: i can be the first
[2009/03/25 0:11] Amberlin Zuta: wait
[2009/03/25 0:11] Una Rewell: does everyone post the news?
[2009/03/25 0:11] Sharon Byron: I didi
[2009/03/25 0:11] Amberlin Zuta: i want iris ' blogger address
[2009/03/25 0:11] Una Rewell: i did
[2009/03/25 0:11] Amberlin Zuta: me 2
[2009/03/25 0:12] yang75 Anton: i didn't receive teacher mail so i will give u my blog
[2009/03/25 0:12] Una Rewell: oh
[2009/03/25 0:12] Una Rewell: fine
[2009/03/25 0:12] Una Rewell: say it
[2009/03/25 0:12] Amberlin Zuta: let see iris' blogger
[2009/03/25 0:13] Amberlin Zuta: kiss~
[2009/03/25 0:13] Una Rewell: ccc
[2009/03/25 0:13] Amberlin Zuta: ^^
[2009/03/25 0:13] yang75 Anton: ??
[2009/03/25 0:13] Una Rewell: so iris blogger?
[2009/03/25 0:14] Una Rewell: i take the pic
[2009/03/25 0:14] Una Rewell: for this week
[2009/03/25 0:14] yang75 Anton: wait
[2009/03/25 0:14] yang75 Anton: god
[2009/03/25 0:15] Una Rewell: we are waiting
[2009/03/25 0:15] Amberlin Zuta: wht wrong?
[2009/03/25 0:15] yang75 Anton: goodgood
[2009/03/25 0:15] Una Rewell: can you type it right now?
[2009/03/25 0:15] Una Rewell: iris?
[2009/03/25 0:15] Amberlin Zuta: or we can check each other's blogger first, till she type it?
[2009/03/25 0:16] yang75 Anton: ya, t my pc doesn't run first
[2009/03/25 0:16] Una Rewell: i think it's fine
[2009/03/25 0:16] Una Rewell: so check the bloggers
[2009/03/25 0:16] Una Rewell: first and come back
[2009/03/25 0:16] Una Rewell: ok?
[2009/03/25 0:16] Una Rewell: they log off
[2009/03/25 0:18] yang75 Anton is Offline
[2009/03/25 0:20] yang75 Anton is Online
[2009/03/25 0:21] yang75 Anton: http://lovuivy1986.blogspot.com
[2009/03/25 0:21] Una Rewell: thx
[2009/03/25 0:22] yang75 Anton: my topic is traditional taiwaness confectionary
[2009/03/25 0:23] Una Rewell: it's done
[2009/03/25 0:23] Una Rewell: i finish it
[2009/03/25 0:23] yang75 Anton: oh
[2009/03/25 0:24] Una Rewell: my blogger
[2009/03/25 0:24] Amberlin Zuta: can we decide the roles first
[2009/03/25 0:24] Amberlin Zuta: who want to do which roles
[2009/03/25 0:24] Una Rewell: ponchi1436
[2009/03/25 0:24] Amberlin Zuta: in whose blogger?
[2009/03/25 0:28] yang75 Anton: can u see my blog
[2009/03/25 0:28] yang75 Anton: any suggestion
[2009/03/25 0:29] Amberlin Zuta: i will be back soon
[2009/03/25 0:29] Amberlin Zuta: wait
[2009/03/25 0:34] Sharon Byron is Online
[2009/03/25 0:34] Una Rewell is Online
[2009/03/25 0:34] Cloud Clarity is Online
[2009/03/25 0:34] yang75 Anton is Online
[2009/03/25 0:34] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[2009/03/25 0:34] Connected
[2009/03/25 0:34] yang75 Anton: amber back
[2009/03/25 0:34] Amberlin Zuta: sorry
[2009/03/25 0:35] Amberlin Zuta: computer's problem
[2009/03/25 0:35] yang75 Anton: smoking is so cool
[2009/03/25 0:35] Amberlin Zuta: ==___==
[2009/03/25 0:35] Una Rewell: i don't think so
[2009/03/25 0:35] yang75 Anton: did u finish reading our article
[2009/03/25 0:35] Una Rewell: the smoke is.........always there
[2009/03/25 0:35] Una Rewell: look bad==
[2009/03/25 0:35] Amberlin Zuta: hahaha
[2009/03/25 0:36] yang75 Anton: but it's cool
[2009/03/25 0:36] Una Rewell: does everyone finish the stories?
[2009/03/25 0:36] yang75 Anton: haha
[2009/03/25 0:36] Una Rewell: sharon is log off again
[2009/03/25 0:36] yang75 Anton: ya
[2009/03/25 0:37] Una Rewell: so can we start now?
[2009/03/25 0:37] Amberlin Zuta: ya of cuz
[2009/03/25 0:37] Sharon Byron: I am suffered from the flood= =
[2009/03/25 0:37] yang75 Anton: ya
[2009/03/25 0:37] Amberlin Zuta: flood?
[2009/03/25 0:37] Una Rewell: flood?
[2009/03/25 0:37] Amberlin Zuta: haha
[2009/03/25 0:37] Una Rewell: runnig nose?
[2009/03/25 0:37] Sharon Byron: yes= = in my dorm
[2009/03/25 0:37] Sharon Byron: shoot!!!
[2009/03/25 0:37] Amberlin Zuta: oh
[2009/03/25 0:37] Una Rewell: oh
[2009/03/25 0:37] Amberlin Zuta: tht's terrible
[2009/03/25 0:38] yang75 Anton: oh
[2009/03/25 0:38] Una Rewell: so let's start now
[2009/03/25 0:38] Amberlin Zuta: and miserable to have a running nose
[2009/03/25 0:38] Amberlin Zuta: ok
[2009/03/25 0:38] Una Rewell: i have running nose and headache today
[2009/03/25 0:38] Una Rewell: how about my story?
[2009/03/25 0:38] Sharon Byron: excuse me
[2009/03/25 0:39] Sharon Byron: any one explain what we r doing now for me?
[2009/03/25 0:39] Una Rewell: any suggestion?
[2009/03/25 0:39] Amberlin Zuta: discuss the news
[2009/03/25 0:39] Una Rewell: yap
[2009/03/25 0:39] Sharon Byron: ok
[2009/03/25 0:39] Sharon Byron: I haven't done yet
[2009/03/25 0:40] Amberlin Zuta: damn it!
[2009/03/25 0:40] Sharon Byron: ?
[2009/03/25 0:40] Una Rewell: what?
[2009/03/25 0:40] Amberlin Zuta: my computer sucks
[2009/03/25 0:40] Una Rewell: so you can't play now?
[2009/03/25 0:41] Amberlin Zuta: i can't see the website
[2009/03/25 0:41] Amberlin Zuta: it is blanked
[2009/03/25 0:41] Amberlin Zuta: all white
[2009/03/25 0:41] Una Rewell: fine
[2009/03/25 0:41] Una Rewell: maybe we can discuss your story first
[2009/03/25 0:41] Amberlin Zuta: it is ok now
[2009/03/25 0:41] yang75 Anton: i aggree with ur point. impreesive resume will help us to find a good job
[2009/03/25 0:42] Una Rewell: amber
[2009/03/25 0:42] Una Rewell: oh
[2009/03/25 0:42] yang75 Anton: agree
[2009/03/25 0:42] Una Rewell: agree^^
[2009/03/25 0:42] Una Rewell: and amber's story is about yield the seat to people who need it
[2009/03/25 0:43] Amberlin Zuta: we can make a set of cotinuum
[2009/03/25 0:43] Una Rewell: a survey in taiwan
[2009/03/25 0:43] Una Rewell: is it ok to quote the news from the website or other report?
[2009/03/25 0:44] Una Rewell: cuz in your story, amber your write a lot of it.
[2009/03/25 0:44] Amberlin Zuta: maybe u can add the reference
[2009/03/25 0:44] Amberlin Zuta: haha ^^
[2009/03/25 0:44] Una Rewell: is it ok?
[2009/03/25 0:45] Una Rewell: because we are reporters
[2009/03/25 0:45] Amberlin Zuta: i think that if the source is reliable then everything is ok
[2009/03/25 0:45] Una Rewell: can we use the news from others?
[2009/03/25 0:45] yang75 Anton: nope
[2009/03/25 0:45] Una Rewell: fine
[2009/03/25 0:46] Amberlin Zuta: ........emma maybe want us add personal experience
[2009/03/25 0:46] yang75 Anton: i think it is very reliable
[2009/03/25 0:46] Amberlin Zuta: i mean at least partly
[2009/03/25 0:46] Sharon Byron: we need to post the reference I think
[2009/03/25 0:46] Una Rewell: maybe
[2009/03/25 0:46] Una Rewell: cuz you don't exactly write it by yourself
[2009/03/25 0:47] Una Rewell: so how about sharon's?
[2009/03/25 0:47] Una Rewell: you write about brand
[2009/03/25 0:47] Sharon Byron: not really about brand
[2009/03/25 0:47] Una Rewell: the product made in taiwan?
[2009/03/25 0:47] Amberlin Zuta: then wht is it?
[2009/03/25 0:47] Una Rewell: i think?
[2009/03/25 0:48] yang75 Anton: ?
[2009/03/25 0:48] Sharon Byron: it's about a trend that Taiwanese prefer foreign than local
[2009/03/25 0:48] Sharon Byron: 崇洋媚外
[2009/03/25 0:48] Una Rewell: oh
[2009/03/25 0:48] Amberlin Zuta: ........
[2009/03/25 0:48] Una Rewell: it's .....
[2009/03/25 0:48] yang75 Anton: oh
[2009/03/25 0:48] Una Rewell: you know
[2009/03/25 0:48] Sharon Byron: I just take brand for example
[2009/03/25 0:49] Amberlin Zuta: i think it is about piratcy?
[2009/03/25 0:49] Sharon Byron: ?
[2009/03/25 0:49] Una Rewell: so the main point is not the brand
[2009/03/25 0:49] Sharon Byron: um
[2009/03/25 0:49] Una Rewell: but the idea
[2009/03/25 0:49] Sharon Byron: not about the piracy
[2009/03/25 0:49] Una Rewell: the attitude toward foreign and local
[2009/03/25 0:49] Sharon Byron: umum almost
[2009/03/25 0:49] yang75 Anton: so
[2009/03/25 0:50] Sharon Byron: biased attitude
[2009/03/25 0:50] Amberlin Zuta: ok i c
[2009/03/25 0:50] Una Rewell: fine
[2009/03/25 0:50] Sharon Byron: is that ok?
[2009/03/25 0:50] Una Rewell: but you have to take a pic for you news
[2009/03/25 0:50] Sharon Byron: and post it?
[2009/03/25 0:51] Una Rewell: yap
[2009/03/25 0:51] Sharon Byron: I don't know how to post the pic online
[2009/03/25 0:51] yang75 Anton: putting pic is more attractive to people to write it
[2009/03/25 0:51] Sharon Byron: i c
[2009/03/25 0:51] Una Rewell: haha
[2009/03/25 0:51] yang75 Anton: read
[2009/03/25 0:51] yang75 Anton: sorry
[2009/03/25 0:52] Amberlin Zuta: .......sharon
[2009/03/25 0:52] Una Rewell: ?
[2009/03/25 0:52] Sharon Byron: ?
[2009/03/25 0:52] Amberlin Zuta: i think u got good point but
[2009/03/25 0:52] Amberlin Zuta: as a reporter ur tone
[2009/03/25 0:52] Sharon Byron: too criticism?
[2009/03/25 0:52] Amberlin Zuta: is 2 aggressive
[2009/03/25 0:53] Sharon Byron: haha
[2009/03/25 0:53] Una Rewell: oh
[2009/03/25 0:53] Sharon Byron: I pretend that I'm the reporter in apple magazine or sth like that
[2009/03/25 0:53] Amberlin Zuta: hahahahaha~~~!!!
[2009/03/25 0:53] Sharon Byron: :-p
[2009/03/25 0:53] Una Rewell: you mean she writes it 2.............critical?
[2009/03/25 0:53] yang75 Anton: haha
[2009/03/25 0:53] Amberlin Zuta: nope
[2009/03/25 0:54] Amberlin Zuta: i mean the tone like "Of course not!"
[2009/03/25 0:54] Sharon Byron: i try to unfold the dark side of Taiwanese
[2009/03/25 0:54] Una Rewell: dark side?
[2009/03/25 0:54] Amberlin Zuta: ur correct
[2009/03/25 0:55] Sharon Byron: I don't quite get u, amber
[2009/03/25 0:55] Sharon Byron: "of course not"
[2009/03/25 0:55] Sharon Byron: what does it mean?
[2009/03/25 0:55] Amberlin Zuta: but a little emotional or say sensational
[2009/03/25 0:55] Una Rewell: the tone she means
[2009/03/25 0:55] yang75 Anton is Offline
[2009/03/25 0:55] Amberlin Zuta: oops
[2009/03/25 0:55] Sharon Byron: so....do u think I need to rewrite?
[2009/03/25 0:55] Una Rewell: revise
[2009/03/25 0:55] Amberlin Zuta: iris~~!!!
[2009/03/25 0:56] Una Rewell: where is she!!!!!!
[2009/03/25 0:56] Amberlin Zuta: we lose her
[2009/03/25 0:56] Sharon Byron: maybe it's computer problems
[2009/03/25 0:56] Amberlin Zuta: .......ORZ
[2009/03/25 0:56] Una Rewell: why.............................
[2009/03/25 0:56] Una Rewell: but i think she goes somewhere
[2009/03/25 0:56] Sharon Byron: I mean Iris' disappear
[2009/03/25 0:56] Amberlin Zuta: (knocking the ground)
[2009/03/25 0:57] Una Rewell: oh my god
[2009/03/25 0:57] Sharon Byron: sho's smoking
[2009/03/25 0:57] Sharon Byron: who's
[2009/03/25 0:57] Sharon Byron: haha
[2009/03/25 0:57] Sharon Byron: it's funny
[2009/03/25 0:58] Una Rewell: so how about my story
[2009/03/25 0:58] Sharon Byron: so do u have any comment or suggestion for me news?
[2009/03/25 0:58] Una Rewell: any suggestion?
[2009/03/25 0:58] Una Rewell: i think amber is right
[2009/03/25 0:58] Amberlin Zuta: uhh.....
[2009/03/25 0:59] Amberlin Zuta: maybe u can take it as a cultural analysis
[2009/03/25 0:59] Una Rewell: sorry i am back
[2009/03/25 0:59] Una Rewell: maybe
[2009/03/25 0:59] yang75 Anton is Online
[2009/03/25 0:59] Amberlin Zuta: so u can see it more calmly
[2009/03/25 0:59] Sharon Byron: haha i c
[2009/03/25 0:59] Una Rewell: she comes back
[2009/03/25 0:59] yang75 Anton: back, sorry
[2009/03/25 1:00] Amberlin Zuta: we all miss u
[2009/03/25 1:00] Una Rewell: yes
[2009/03/25 1:00] Amberlin Zuta: :)
[2009/03/25 1:00] Una Rewell: so much
[2009/03/25 1:00] yang75 Anton: haha
[2009/03/25 1:00] Una Rewell: and how about mine?
[2009/03/25 1:00] Una Rewell: my news
[2009/03/25 1:01] yang75 Anton: it is reliable
[2009/03/25 1:01] Una Rewell: any thing else?
[2009/03/25 1:01] yang75 Anton: u want 2 put pic?
[2009/03/25 1:01] Una Rewell: yes
[2009/03/25 1:02] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:02] Sharon Byron: I like ur linkings
[2009/03/25 1:02] Una Rewell: but the pic was deleted yesterday by someone
[2009/03/25 1:02] Una Rewell: so sas
[2009/03/25 1:02] Una Rewell: sad
[2009/03/25 1:02] Sharon Byron: it's a gook ideas to show readers
[2009/03/25 1:02] Una Rewell: haha
[2009/03/25 1:02] Una Rewell: it link to jo's website
[2009/03/25 1:02] yang75 Anton: oh, really
[2009/03/25 1:03] Una Rewell: but i need to post the pic
[2009/03/25 1:03] Amberlin Zuta: or u can provide a negative example to prove ur point
[2009/03/25 1:03] Sharon Byron: why negative?
[2009/03/25 1:03] Una Rewell: negative example?
[2009/03/25 1:03] Una Rewell: why?
[2009/03/25 1:03] yang75 Anton: negative?
[2009/03/25 1:04] Amberlin Zuta: cuz ur them point is from one's saying only
[2009/03/25 1:04] Una Rewell: oh
[2009/03/25 1:04] Amberlin Zuta: so ur have to prove it
[2009/03/25 1:04] Sharon Byron: oh~
[2009/03/25 1:04] Una Rewell: so how about a link?
[2009/03/25 1:04] Una Rewell: a link to bad one?
[2009/03/25 1:04] Amberlin Zuta: tht's fine
[2009/03/25 1:04] Una Rewell: the resume
[2009/03/25 1:05] Una Rewell: ok
[2009/03/25 1:05] Una Rewell: good idea
[2009/03/25 1:05] Sharon Byron: I think maybe u don't need to specify He' in ur news
[2009/03/25 1:05] yang75 Anton: fine
[2009/03/25 1:05] Una Rewell: really
[2009/03/25 1:05] Una Rewell: ?
[2009/03/25 1:05] Amberlin Zuta: ?
[2009/03/25 1:05] Sharon Byron: not really every one knows her
[2009/03/25 1:05] Una Rewell: i think it's important
[2009/03/25 1:06] Sharon Byron: really
[2009/03/25 1:06] yang75 Anton: why?
[2009/03/25 1:06] Una Rewell: but i intruduce her in the first paragraph
[2009/03/25 1:06] Una Rewell: the professor in english department
[2009/03/25 1:06] Amberlin Zuta: or u can use mant people's saying
[2009/03/25 1:06] Amberlin Zuta: many
[2009/03/25 1:06] Una Rewell: and my story happens in ncu
[2009/03/25 1:06] Sharon Byron: it might make readers think it's just a personal advice
[2009/03/25 1:07] Amberlin Zuta: so that hers doesn't seen so significant
[2009/03/25 1:07] Una Rewell: nono
[2009/03/25 1:07] Una Rewell: cuz my story happens in this campus
[2009/03/25 1:07] Amberlin Zuta: ok
[2009/03/25 1:07] Una Rewell: and in english department
[2009/03/25 1:07] Sharon Byron: alright
[2009/03/25 1:07] Una Rewell: i think i have to write it
[2009/03/25 1:08] Una Rewell: do you get it?
[2009/03/25 1:08] Sharon Byron: I put readers in many districts
[2009/03/25 1:08] Una Rewell: i report the story of our department
[2009/03/25 1:08] yang75 Anton: right
[2009/03/25 1:08] Sharon Byron: so I may have such confusion
[2009/03/25 1:08] Sharon Byron: but it's ok I think
[2009/03/25 1:08] Una Rewell: so it doesn't matter ?
[2009/03/25 1:09] Sharon Byron: just ok
[2009/03/25 1:09] yang75 Anton: i think it is ok
[2009/03/25 1:09] Una Rewell: i think....
[2009/03/25 1:09] Una Rewell: fine
[2009/03/25 1:09] Una Rewell: amber...
[2009/03/25 1:09] Amberlin Zuta: so can u transform this little thing into the whole society?
[2009/03/25 1:09] Una Rewell: oh
[2009/03/25 1:09] Amberlin Zuta: i mean make it seems more significant?
[2009/03/25 1:10] Una Rewell: i just want to say something happen in school
[2009/03/25 1:10] Sharon Byron: or maybe you can change He's advice to "an expert: or sthelse like that
[2009/03/25 1:10] Sharon Byron: "according to an expert" seems more convincing
[2009/03/25 1:10] Amberlin Zuta: or perhaps
[2009/03/25 1:11] Amberlin Zuta: u can be more specifically
[2009/03/25 1:11] Una Rewell: oh og
[2009/03/25 1:11] Una Rewell: oh
[2009/03/25 1:11] Una Rewell: i think you guys miss my point
[2009/03/25 1:11] Amberlin Zuta: just point out that the advice is from ur professer
[2009/03/25 1:11] Sharon Byron: ?
[2009/03/25 1:12] Una Rewell: i think it is just a news happen in school
[2009/03/25 1:12] Sharon Byron: so r u a campus reporter only?
[2009/03/25 1:12] Amberlin Zuta: and make it more personal but
[2009/03/25 1:12] Amberlin Zuta: on the other side
[2009/03/25 1:12] Amberlin Zuta: seems universal
[2009/03/25 1:13] Una Rewell: fine..............
[2009/03/25 1:13] Una Rewell: fine....
[2009/03/25 1:13] yang75 Anton: wht 's about my news
[2009/03/25 1:13] Sharon Byron: maybe don't point out Pressor's name but just have her clinks
[2009/03/25 1:14] Sharon Byron: it seems that u got sufficient resource
[2009/03/25 1:14] Sharon Byron: haha
[2009/03/25 1:14] Una Rewell: well, i think since i write the story about our dep
[2009/03/25 1:14] Una Rewell: her name should be write
[2009/03/25 1:14] Sharon Byron: just a small thing, not that serious
[2009/03/25 1:15] Una Rewell: and if i have to broad the news
[2009/03/25 1:15] Una Rewell: i think maybe i can write more
[2009/03/25 1:15] yang75 Anton: i think it 's not a problem
[2009/03/25 1:15] Sharon Byron: Iris, can u give me ur blogger address?
[2009/03/25 1:16] yang75 Anton: http://lovuivy1986blogspot.com
[2009/03/25 1:17] yang75 Anton: someone finish reading my news?
[2009/03/25 1:17] Una Rewell: me
[2009/03/25 1:17] Una Rewell: i finish it
[2009/03/25 1:17] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:17] Amberlin Zuta: me 2
[2009/03/25 1:17] Una Rewell: story is fine, but lack the orginality
[2009/03/25 1:17] Amberlin Zuta: but just a little curious
[2009/03/25 1:18] yang75 Anton: any suggestion?
[2009/03/25 1:18] Una Rewell: it seems like............a summary from wiki
[2009/03/25 1:18] Una Rewell: sorry, no offense
[2009/03/25 1:18] Una Rewell: just not so attractive
[2009/03/25 1:18] Amberlin Zuta: why does ur subtitle put Traditional Taiwanese confectionary?
[2009/03/25 1:18] Sharon Byron: it's a pure discription new
[2009/03/25 1:19] yang75 Anton: how to make more attractive
[2009/03/25 1:19] Sharon Byron: I think it's like an ad. form I Mei
[2009/03/25 1:19] Una Rewell: yes
[2009/03/25 1:19] Una Rewell: i agree with you sharon
[2009/03/25 1:19] yang75 Anton: introduce more food?
[2009/03/25 1:19] Amberlin Zuta: the subtitle self is not attractive
[2009/03/25 1:19] Amberlin Zuta: not specific
[2009/03/25 1:20] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:20] Amberlin Zuta: or suprising
[2009/03/25 1:20] Sharon Byron: well
[2009/03/25 1:20] Amberlin Zuta: maybe u can change it
[2009/03/25 1:20] yang75 Anton: i will pt more resources
[2009/03/25 1:20] Sharon Byron: it's too hard to specify the curiosity
[2009/03/25 1:20] Una Rewell: right.....
[2009/03/25 1:20] yang75 Anton: put
[2009/03/25 1:20] Sharon Byron: but just feel weird
[2009/03/25 1:21] Una Rewell: oh
[2009/03/25 1:21] Amberlin Zuta: what is ur intention to write this company?
[2009/03/25 1:21] Una Rewell: i think resourses should not show up in the story
[2009/03/25 1:21] Una Rewell: cuz it make it become so serious
[2009/03/25 1:21] yang75 Anton: because i like their food
[2009/03/25 1:21] Amberlin Zuta: ok
[2009/03/25 1:21] yang75 Anton: haha
[2009/03/25 1:22] Una Rewell: but you're writing a interesting story about food
[2009/03/25 1:22] yang75 Anton: ya
[2009/03/25 1:22] Amberlin Zuta: then u can use more description about the products
[2009/03/25 1:22] Una Rewell: can we add the personal opinion in the story?
[2009/03/25 1:22] Sharon Byron: maybe you can focus on its significant accomplishments oinstead of introducing the brand
[2009/03/25 1:22] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:22] Amberlin Zuta: if u like the food
[2009/03/25 1:23] Una Rewell: write food more!
[2009/03/25 1:23] Una Rewell: i think it will be fun
[2009/03/25 1:23] Sharon Byron: I like the part you mention "green company"
[2009/03/25 1:23] Amberlin Zuta: then write the significance
[2009/03/25 1:23] Amberlin Zuta: about the food
[2009/03/25 1:23] yang75 Anton: introduce more food?
[2009/03/25 1:23] Amberlin Zuta: ya
[2009/03/25 1:23] Una Rewell: ya
[2009/03/25 1:23] Amberlin Zuta: ur feeling
[2009/03/25 1:23] yang75 Anton: ya, green company
[2009/03/25 1:23] Amberlin Zuta: clients' feeling
[2009/03/25 1:23] Una Rewell: yes
[2009/03/25 1:23] Sharon Byron: but how they import the materials or the process they make product are not that important
[2009/03/25 1:24] Una Rewell: that's right
[2009/03/25 1:24] Una Rewell: the main point in your story is food
[2009/03/25 1:24] Sharon Byron: is it?
[2009/03/25 1:24] Una Rewell: i think it should be
[2009/03/25 1:25] Sharon Byron: or........
[2009/03/25 1:25] Una Rewell: wait a minute
[2009/03/25 1:25] Una Rewell: i will be back soom
[2009/03/25 1:25] Amberlin Zuta: or u can also add ur friends' opinions
[2009/03/25 1:25] Sharon Byron: I-Mei's 清廉面
[2009/03/25 1:25] yang75 Anton: ya, i will put more food than history
[2009/03/25 1:25] Sharon Byron: hahaha
[2009/03/25 1:25] yang75 Anton: my friend opinion?
[2009/03/25 1:25] Amberlin Zuta: about the history
[2009/03/25 1:25] Sharon Byron: umm that'll be fantastic
[2009/03/25 1:26] Amberlin Zuta: ur f's opinion about the products
[2009/03/25 1:26] Amberlin Zuta: do they like it
[2009/03/25 1:26] Amberlin Zuta: as u do?
[2009/03/25 1:26] Amberlin Zuta: or do they have other feelings
[2009/03/25 1:27] Amberlin Zuta: appetite
[2009/03/25 1:27] yang75 Anton: my computer have a problem so i will reply it slow
[2009/03/25 1:27] Sharon Byron: fine~
[2009/03/25 1:27] yang75 Anton: sorry
[2009/03/25 1:27] yang75 Anton: i don't think my friend like it
[2009/03/25 1:27] Amberlin Zuta: ok
[2009/03/25 1:28] Amberlin Zuta: ........
[2009/03/25 1:28] yang75 Anton: haha
[2009/03/25 1:28] Sharon Byron: does it matter?
[2009/03/25 1:28] Amberlin Zuta: but u can still use their opinion
[2009/03/25 1:28] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:28] Amberlin Zuta: to ask the reasons why they don't like it
[2009/03/25 1:28] yang75 Anton: it seems great
[2009/03/25 1:28] Amberlin Zuta: and why u like it
[2009/03/25 1:29] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:29] Amberlin Zuta: use more specific abjective to describe the detailed problem
[2009/03/25 1:29] Amberlin Zuta: of the dislikes
[2009/03/25 1:30] yang75 Anton: enen
[2009/03/25 1:30] Amberlin Zuta: and the preference
[2009/03/25 1:30] Una Rewell: i am back
[2009/03/25 1:30] Amberlin Zuta: hi
[2009/03/25 1:30] Amberlin Zuta: r u ok?
[2009/03/25 1:30] Una Rewell: fine
[2009/03/25 1:30] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:30] Una Rewell: i just go and have some water
[2009/03/25 1:30] Amberlin Zuta: ^^
[2009/03/25 1:30] Una Rewell: uncomfortable today
[2009/03/25 1:31] Amberlin Zuta: o_____o
[2009/03/25 1:31] Una Rewell: so we finish the discussion?
[2009/03/25 1:31] Sharon Byron: good luck
[2009/03/25 1:31] Una Rewell: i will
[2009/03/25 1:31] Amberlin Zuta: u can still give advices to iris
[2009/03/25 1:31] Sharon Byron: is Amber's finished?
[2009/03/25 1:32] Una Rewell: amber's?
[2009/03/25 1:32] Amberlin Zuta: finish what?
[2009/03/25 1:32] Amberlin Zuta: oh
[2009/03/25 1:32] Amberlin Zuta: no
[2009/03/25 1:32] Una Rewell: no?
[2009/03/25 1:32] Amberlin Zuta: can we start?
[2009/03/25 1:32] Sharon Byron: maybe we have to be fast
[2009/03/25 1:32] Una Rewell: i have to go on 5pm today
[2009/03/25 1:32] Sharon Byron: and we haven't decide our role
[2009/03/25 1:32] Amberlin Zuta: oh
[2009/03/25 1:32] Una Rewell: so we need to move on
[2009/03/25 1:32] Una Rewell: yes
[2009/03/25 1:32] yang75 Anton: oh
[2009/03/25 1:32] Sharon Byron: go!!!
[2009/03/25 1:33] Una Rewell: so story discussion first and decide the role
[2009/03/25 1:33] Amberlin Zuta: editor!!!
[2009/03/25 1:33] Una Rewell: i think amber put the survey in her story
[2009/03/25 1:33] Una Rewell: it's too much....
[2009/03/25 1:33] Amberlin Zuta: my editor ^^ ??
[2009/03/25 1:33] Una Rewell: no
[2009/03/25 1:33] Una Rewell: we disucss your story
[2009/03/25 1:33] Una Rewell: first
[2009/03/25 1:34] Amberlin Zuta: too much?
[2009/03/25 1:34] yang75 Anton: haha
[2009/03/25 1:34] Una Rewell: a little bit
[2009/03/25 1:34] yang75 Anton: so we decde the role?
[2009/03/25 1:35] Una Rewell: we finish her story?
[2009/03/25 1:35] Sharon Byron: not yet
[2009/03/25 1:35] yang75 Anton: decide
[2009/03/25 1:35] Una Rewell: no
[2009/03/25 1:35] Sharon Byron: finish the discussion first
[2009/03/25 1:35] Una Rewell: yes
[2009/03/25 1:35] Sharon Byron: well
[2009/03/25 1:35] Sharon Byron: I don't have too many opinion to Amber's news
[2009/03/25 1:35] Una Rewell: fine how about amber's story
[2009/03/25 1:36] Sharon Byron: it's OK
[2009/03/25 1:36] Sharon Byron: how about Una and Iris
[2009/03/25 1:36] Amberlin Zuta: why Sharon??
[2009/03/25 1:36] Sharon Byron: ?
[2009/03/25 1:36] Amberlin Zuta: any~~~~suggestion
[2009/03/25 1:36] Amberlin Zuta: I want it
[2009/03/25 1:36] Sharon Byron: I think it's a proper way to show ur news
[2009/03/25 1:36] Sharon Byron: it's fine haha
[2009/03/25 1:36] Amberlin Zuta: haha
[2009/03/25 1:37] Amberlin Zuta: that is sad
[2009/03/25 1:37] Sharon Byron: don't be so worried
[2009/03/25 1:37] Amberlin Zuta: .........
[2009/03/25 1:37] Amberlin Zuta: so.......Una?
[2009/03/25 1:38] Amberlin Zuta: or Iris?
[2009/03/25 1:38] Sharon Byron: ??
[2009/03/25 1:38] Sharon Byron: anybody home
[2009/03/25 1:38] Una Rewell: i just think maybe
[2009/03/25 1:38] Amberlin Zuta: uh
[2009/03/25 1:38] yang75 Anton: Ya
[2009/03/25 1:38] Una Rewell: you should write more about your opion more
[2009/03/25 1:39] Una Rewell: than add the references
[2009/03/25 1:39] yang75 Anton: me?
[2009/03/25 1:39] Amberlin Zuta: but I write my experirence in the end
[2009/03/25 1:39] Una Rewell: nono
[2009/03/25 1:39] Amberlin Zuta: ?
[2009/03/25 1:39] Una Rewell: i think your own experience should not show up
[2009/03/25 1:39] Sharon Byron: so...can we put our experience in the news which is published for the public?
[2009/03/25 1:40] Una Rewell: since you have to be objective
[2009/03/25 1:40] Amberlin Zuta: oh
[2009/03/25 1:40] Amberlin Zuta: i c
[2009/03/25 1:40] Una Rewell: that's all
[2009/03/25 1:41] Una Rewell: can we decide the roles now?
[2009/03/25 1:41] Una Rewell: ok?
[2009/03/25 1:41] Amberlin Zuta: ok
[2009/03/25 1:41] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:41] Una Rewell: who want to be the organizer this time
[2009/03/25 1:42] Sharon Byron: actually
[2009/03/25 1:42] Una Rewell: organizer have to post the discussion today on class blogger
[2009/03/25 1:42] yang75 Anton: me
[2009/03/25 1:42] Una Rewell: and pic of our group?
[2009/03/25 1:42] Amberlin Zuta: u mean whose organizer?
[2009/03/25 1:42] Sharon Byron: Una answer my question
[2009/03/25 1:42] Sharon Byron: haha cooooool
[2009/03/25 1:42] yang75 Anton: post it 2day?
[2009/03/25 1:42] Sharon Byron: I want to be the reader
[2009/03/25 1:42] Sharon Byron: is it OK?
[2009/03/25 1:43] Una Rewell: the discussion today and the pic should post on the class blogger
[2009/03/25 1:43] Una Rewell: and the news title
[2009/03/25 1:43] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:43] Amberlin Zuta: wait~let me make it clear
[2009/03/25 1:43] Amberlin Zuta: does the reader or other roles be the same
[2009/03/25 1:44] Sharon Byron: what do u mean?
[2009/03/25 1:44] Una Rewell: organizer要把今天的對話討論+照片+我們這周的新聞標題和網址po在class blogger
[2009/03/25 1:44] Sharon Byron: right
[2009/03/25 1:44] Una Rewell: 我有po上次的了
[2009/03/25 1:44] Sharon Byron: and we'll play the same role to all of our articles
[2009/03/25 1:44] Amberlin Zuta: 我們不是要輪流嗎?
[2009/03/25 1:44] Sharon Byron: right?
[2009/03/25 1:44] Una Rewell: yes
[2009/03/25 1:44] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:45] Una Rewell: or只有一人吧?
[2009/03/25 1:45] Sharon Byron: so this time it's Iris' turn
[2009/03/25 1:45] Una Rewell: 其他角色就輪流阿
[2009/03/25 1:45] yang75 Anton: i will be organiser this week
[2009/03/25 1:45] Sharon Byron: ummm
[2009/03/25 1:45] Una Rewell: ok.....
[2009/03/25 1:45] Sharon Byron: how about other roles?
[2009/03/25 1:45] Una Rewell: mine news first
[2009/03/25 1:45] Sharon Byron: 2/32/3
[2009/03/25 1:45] Sharon Byron: 等等
[2009/03/25 1:45] Amberlin Zuta: i editor?
[2009/03/25 1:46] Una Rewell: who want to be the reader of mine story?
[2009/03/25 1:46] Sharon Byron: 我們要不要一個腳色就看全部的文章
[2009/03/25 1:46] Sharon Byron: 這樣才不會記錯或搞混
[2009/03/25 1:46] Una Rewell: that's ok
[2009/03/25 1:46] Sharon Byron: 也比腳清楚一點
[2009/03/25 1:46] Una Rewell: so who want to be the editor
[2009/03/25 1:46] Sharon Byron: AFREE?
[2009/03/25 1:46] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:46] Una Rewell: this time
[2009/03/25 1:46] Amberlin Zuta: me
[2009/03/25 1:46] yang75 Anton: agree
[2009/03/25 1:46] Una Rewell: iris is organizer
[2009/03/25 1:46] Una Rewell: and amber will be editor?
[2009/03/25 1:46] Amberlin Zuta: me editor
[2009/03/25 1:47] Una Rewell: OK
[2009/03/25 1:47] Una Rewell: so sharon and i will be the reader?
[2009/03/25 1:47] Sharon Byron: BOTH OF US READER?
[2009/03/25 1:47] Sharon Byron: OK
[2009/03/25 1:47] Sharon Byron: that's what I think
[2009/03/25 1:47] Sharon Byron: good(Y)
[2009/03/25 1:47] Amberlin Zuta: ya
[2009/03/25 1:47] Sharon Byron: so class dismissed?
[2009/03/25 1:47] Una Rewell: and iris and amber should be the reader of sharon and i
[2009/03/25 1:47] Sharon Byron: haha
[2009/03/25 1:48] Sharon Byron: oh, right
[2009/03/25 1:48] Una Rewell: since we are the reader for your stories
[2009/03/25 1:48] yang75 Anton: ok
[2009/03/25 1:48] Sharon Byron: readers seem to have to lightest task
[2009/03/25 1:48] Una Rewell: so amber and iris have to be our reader
[2009/03/25 1:49] Una Rewell: again.....
[2009/03/25 1:49] Sharon Byron: who is my news belonged to ?
[2009/03/25 1:49] Una Rewell: iris is the organizer
[2009/03/25 1:49] Sharon Byron: the reader
[2009/03/25 1:49] Una Rewell: amber is editor
[2009/03/25 1:49] Una Rewell: sharon and i would be reader
[2009/03/25 1:49] Una Rewell: so who want my story?
[2009/03/25 1:49] Sharon Byron: ㄟㄟ
[2009/03/25 1:49] Una Rewell: iris or amber
[2009/03/25 1:49] Sharon Byron: 我覺得他們應該不用再當reader了
[2009/03/25 1:49] Una Rewell: why?
[2009/03/25 1:49] Sharon Byron: 因為我當你的你當我的
[2009/03/25 1:50] Una Rewell: fine
[2009/03/25 1:50] Sharon Byron: is that ok
[2009/03/25 1:50] Una Rewell: so smart!!!!
[2009/03/25 1:50] Una Rewell: ok
[2009/03/25 1:50] Sharon Byron: thx hahahahahaha
[2009/03/25 1:50] Sharon Byron: cooooool~
[2009/03/25 1:50] Una Rewell: so we all have the roles
[2009/03/25 1:50] Sharon Byron: good
[2009/03/25 1:50] Una Rewell: iris
[2009/03/25 1:50] Sharon Byron: when will be the deadline?
[2009/03/25 1:50] Una Rewell: you have to take a pic for us
[2009/03/25 1:50] Una Rewell: use snapshot
[2009/03/25 1:50] Una Rewell: at leat two pic
[2009/03/25 1:51] yang75 Anton: i just take the pic
[2009/03/25 1:51] Una Rewell: take it.....^^
[2009/03/25 1:51] Sharon Byron: cheeeeeese
[2009/03/25 1:51] yang75 Anton: but i can't save it . i don't no why
[2009/03/25 1:51] Amberlin Zuta: so i am the editor of all?
[2009/03/25 1:51] Una Rewell: 你要把今天對話紀錄po上班上的blogger還有我們照片
[2009/03/25 1:51] Una Rewell: yes amebre
[2009/03/25 1:51] Sharon Byron: Amber's right
[2009/03/25 1:52] Amberlin Zuta: haha
[2009/03/25 1:52] Una Rewell: yes
[2009/03/25 1:52] Amberlin Zuta: ok
[2009/03/25 1:52] Amberlin Zuta: clear
[2009/03/25 1:52] Sharon Byron: pic done?
[2009/03/25 1:52] Una Rewell: 我有po上次的 iris可以參考
[2009/03/25 1:52] Una Rewell: is it done?
[2009/03/25 1:52] Una Rewell: i have to go now
[2009/03/25 1:52] Amberlin Zuta: u can go
[2009/03/25 1:52] Amberlin Zuta: take care~
March 29, 2009 3:27 PM
Lisa said...
I agree with your story and I think you give the survey conducted by goverment which supports your news is pretty good. However, being a objective reporter, personal opinions, perhaps, are not availlabe to show in the story.
March 29, 2009 6:17 PM
M.Y. said...
WHAT is popular in Taiwan?
March 31, 2009 5:05 AM
yang said...
[2009/03/25 1:35] Sharon Byron: I don't have too many opinion to Amber's news
[2009/03/25 1:35] Una Rewell: fine how about amber's story
[2009/03/25 1:36] Sharon Byron: it's OK
[2009/03/25 1:36] Sharon Byron: how about Una and Iris
[2009/03/25 1:36] Amberlin Zuta: why Sharon??
[2009/03/25 1:36] Sharon Byron: ?
[2009/03/25 1:36] Amberlin Zuta: any~~~~suggestion
[2009/03/25 1:36] Amberlin Zuta: I want it
[2009/03/25 1:36] Sharon Byron: I think it's a proper way to show ur news
[2009/03/25 1:36] Sharon Byron: it's fine haha
[2009/03/25 1:36] Amberlin Zuta: haha
[2009/03/25 1:37] Amberlin Zuta: that is sad
[2009/03/25 1:37] Sharon Byron: don't be so worried
[2009/03/25 1:37] Amberlin Zuta: .........
[2009/03/25 1:37] Amberlin Zuta: so.......Una?
[2009/03/25 1:38] Amberlin Zuta: or Iris?
[2009/03/25 1:38] Sharon Byron: ??
[2009/03/25 1:38] Sharon Byron: anybody home
[2009/03/25 1:38] Una Rewell: i just think maybe
[2009/03/25 1:38] Amberlin Zuta: uh
[2009/03/25 1:38] yang75 Anton: Ya
[2009/03/25 1:38] Una Rewell: you should write more about your opion more
[2009/03/25 1:39] Una Rewell: than add the references
[2009/03/25 1:39] yang75 Anton: me?
[2009/03/25 1:39] Amberlin Zuta: but I write my experirence in the end
[2009/03/25 1:39] Una Rewell: nono
[2009/03/25 1:39] Amberlin Zuta: ?
[2009/03/25 1:39] Una Rewell: i think your own experience should not show up
[2009/03/25 1:39] Sharon Byron: so...can we put our experience in the news which is published for the public?
[2009/03/25 1:40] Una Rewell: since you have to be objective
[2009/03/25 1:40] Amberlin Zuta: oh
[2009/03/25 1:40] Amberlin Zuta: i c
[2009/03/25 1:40] Una Rewell: that's all
April 4, 2009 10:40 PM